for those who trust and believe, a miracle is God's hand at work.
when a much-awaited bundle of joy makes her long-overdue entrance into this world, it is God's hand at work, absolutely and unquestionably so! the story of our original miracle baby preceded this previously posted miracle story by four years. plot is the same - years of waiting, intervention of science, intercession of prayers. stir everything together and you have an only child borne out of intense yearning and pure faith. today, our original miracle baby turns twelve.
as with all the younger grand kids, popsie did not live long enough to be with gugud. he would be happy to know that his excellent analytical skills and penchant for hammering away with arguments has been passed on to her. she will make a great lawyer, this kid. there is no loophole she will not pick on to gain the upper hand. boon to whom she takes up the cudgels for. woe to whom bad fortune has befallen just by standing on the other side of the court. given a couple more decades, gugud will handily face-off with the toughest of trial lawyers.
when a much-awaited bundle of joy makes her long-overdue entrance into this world, it is God's hand at work, absolutely and unquestionably so! the story of our original miracle baby preceded this previously posted miracle story by four years. plot is the same - years of waiting, intervention of science, intercession of prayers. stir everything together and you have an only child borne out of intense yearning and pure faith. today, our original miracle baby turns twelve.
as with all the younger grand kids, popsie did not live long enough to be with gugud. he would be happy to know that his excellent analytical skills and penchant for hammering away with arguments has been passed on to her. she will make a great lawyer, this kid. there is no loophole she will not pick on to gain the upper hand. boon to whom she takes up the cudgels for. woe to whom bad fortune has befallen just by standing on the other side of the court. given a couple more decades, gugud will handily face-off with the toughest of trial lawyers.
a great sense of direction is a gift. stress buster in the least. time saving and cost-effective at best. you either have it or you don't. gugud has that gift. comes in handy with a directionally-challenged family. no GPS device is needed when she is around. armed with an inner GPS on default mode, she can weave her way through busy city streets or whip through the countless confusing corners of a mall.
sudoku is a number puzzle. like any other puzzle, you either get it or you don't. this local daily hosts a sudoku challenge for its readers to take part in. gugud was up to the challenge early on. this sharpened her command of the numbers and the logic needed to ace the puzzles. recently, she represented her school to an inter-school sudoku competition. topped it, too. way to go, champ!
you either have it for running or you don't. gugud must have applied some insect repellent to shoo away the running bug that has bitten everyone else. no early morning wake up call for this kid. except for this one and only run. only because it was a late afternoon run. but never again. i hear her say let's talk chess instead.
text promos and raffles follow the same either-or rule. either have all the luck or none at all. you can fill out a hundred stubs of raffle tickets or send a thousand text answers. your provider would be richer by a thousand like they need another thousand to add to their coffers while you come up with a goose egg - zero, zilch, nada! pays to have lady luck by your side. gugud sends in several entries to this advertised text promo. some fair warning that she has considerably racked up her cellphone bill is given. lady luck promptly rewards with a brand new smartphone.
happy, happy birthday, my dear gugud!! i love you, gud. the miracle of your birth is truly God's hand at work. you continue to amaze us with your inquisitive mind and instinctive resolve. your powerhouse arguments, too. enjoy being a kid. go slow. do not be in a hurry. the teen years can wait. carry on with those explorations that bring you close to wonders that so incessantly beguile the mind of the nature-lover and young scientist that you are. while other sports may fail to interest you, build up those smart calculating board moves that dare the instinct of the budding chess master that you are. challenge yourself to greater heights, as high and mighty as those dizzying gigantic rollercoaster monsters that you so fearlessly get a kick out of. in everything that you do, remember that, as in a game of chess, 'checkmate' may not always be yours to deliver. it's okay to lose sometimes. you can always arrange the pieces and start all over again. just like the game.
with the teen years an arm's length away, a kid enjoys the homestretch of the kid years. isn't that awesome?