Wednesday, August 10, 2011

# 22 overload !!!

get real !! seriously, get real !! reality shows are the in thing on tv nowadays - dancing, dating, losing weight, traveling, job hunting, house cleaning, house renovating.... and cooking!  you name it, there is a show for it - even two competing shows of the same genre.

you are so hooked on one show that you rarely miss an episode. you rush home to watch it. dinner time is always before or after the show, never during the show. nobody channel surfs on the show's commercial breaks. the show? masterchef (australia) - the reality show to beat in your household!  it is season two that is being aired at the start of summer. you are there from episode one. fourteen weeks and eighty-four episodes later, you are still there. it is now down to two contestants and the title is up for grabs.  as a special treat on the final weekend, the network airs old episodes hour after hour after hour leading up to the grand season finale.  a masterchef marathon is what it is - two days of non-stop kitchen olympics, two days of culinary overload.  you wake up on saturday morning to the show's theme song. you go along your day, going in and out of the house. each time you get a break, you turn on the tv. they are still battling it out in the kitchen.  you start winding down for the night and get settled in front of the tv for more gastronomic matchups. you wake up in the middle of the night and a team challenge is underway.  it is the same on sunday.  you start thinking overload is too subtle a word for this marathon.

a virtual bond is formed between you and all 24 contestants over the fourteen weeks of daily shows plus replays.  you have never cheered for tv personalities as you have for these amateurs. it is hard to see one go after an elimination round.

glimpses of sydney's famous landmarks shown in the background in almost all of the episodes stir up memories of a grand sydney vacation several years back.  the memory recall makes the show even more a hands-down favorite.

a rain of confetti is released after the new masterchef is announced. he breaks down while everybody gathers around him. you cheer, too. you celebrate yet you feel sad it is all over. the kids say it will be different without their favorite show.  it has become a part of their day.  you tell them they can start on their homework early now. one thing is certain. the show has awakened a dormant potential for some form of culinary exploits. you know there will be some real masterchef action in your kitchen soon.  isn't that awesome?


  1. let's go jonny!!!!!!
    jonathan daddia!!!!!!

  2. jonathan is the one at the right most :)

  3. Oh yes! Sydney Australia is a most wonderful place. It is awesome when you can catch a glimpse on a tv show of a place you've been. Without a doubt will bring back a memory you can't and don't want to forget! 1-7-9
